Raphael.js Sketch Animation

Just a simple script to animate Raphael.js paths. The code takes an object array list of strokes with a time value to wait between strokes.

var strokes = [ { stroke: "M50 500", time: 0},
{ stroke: "l200 60", time: 800},
{ stroke: "l300 -400", time: 600},
{ stroke: "l-150 -20", time: 300},
{ stroke: "l-180 350", time: 200},
{ stroke: "l-160 -80", time: 800},
{ stroke: "L50 500", time: 600}];

var drawnPath = strokes[0].stroke;
var paper = Raphael(10, 10, 800, 600);
var myPath = paper.path(drawnPath);
var section = 1;
"stroke-width": 4,
"stroke": "#060",
"stroke-opacity": 0.5


function animatePath() {
if (section < strokes.length) { drawnPath += strokes[section].stroke; myPath.animate({ path: drawnPath }, strokes[section].time, animatePath); section++; } }


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